Save thousands of dollars and avoid years of unimaginable pain and suffering by educating yourself about the risks associated with "modern" dentistry. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD talk about the hidden dangers of "silver" (toxic) fillings, root canal procedures plus much more. Don't miss this life-saving information!
Could mercury filling be the cause of birth defects and reproductive issues?
According to Lars Frieberg, MD, Ph.D., former head of toxicology of the World Health Organization, "silver mercury amalgam fillings are the largest single source of mercury exposure in the worldwide population". Conventional dentistry would have you believe that "silver" (mercury) fillings are harmless - but that's simply not medically true!
According to Dr. Hal Huggins, "both ovaries and testes have been found to be sites of mercury accumulation. When the human egg is exposed to mercury, it sometimes loses its ability to become implanted in the wall of the uterus, even if the fertilization process was successful." And, since we know that mercury fillings release mercury vapors 24/7 - it's no wonder we have so many birth defects and reproductive problems.
Is my fatigue "normal" or am I a toxic mess?
Well, have you ever considered the possibility that your lack of energy is due to (cellular) oxygen deprivation. And, we all know that toxins from processed foods, personal care products and dental materials (to name a few) block our cells from utilizing much needed oxygen. Simply put, you'll never know how much energy you can enjoy - until you get the toxins out of your life.
So how do you know if you're oxygen deprived? A simple blood test will do the trick. The actual amount of oxygen available to our tissues can be estimated by measuring the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. The level for males is around 15 grams of hemoglobin per 100 milliliters of blood; for females the level is about 13.4 grams.
Interesting to note, most people suffering with chronic fatigue have low hemoglobin levels and the vast majority of those individuals have toxic dental materials in their mouth. With chronic fatigue at epidemic proportions - every physician ought to urge their patients to remove dental toxins immediately.
On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Thomas Levy expose the truth and the dangers of modern dentistry and how to protect your health.
This week's guest: Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Discover the hidden dangers of conventional dental care and protect your health - Sun. July 14
Dr. Thomas E. Levy is a board certified cardiologist and has written six books on health-related issues. Most of his work has centered on how to restore and maintain good health in the face of the many different forms of toxicity that all of us face, typically on a daily basis. He no longer has a clinical practice of medicine and cardiology. Rather, he limits himself to research and writing at this time, and he is currently working on his seventh book, Death by Calcium: The Supplement that Kills.
Most of his work over the last ten years has centered on the importance of maintaining a healthy antioxidant status in the body. His work currently is focusing on the importance of liposomal technology as a way to optimally deliver vitamin C, glutathione, and other nutrients into the body orally, appearing to even surpass the bioavailability seen with the intravenous administration of these antioxidants.
Don't ever trust a conventionally-trained dentist with your health and assume you'll be o.k. It is absolutely essential that you learn everything you can about the dangers of mercury-based, "silver" fillings, root canal procedures plus many other suppressed health issues.
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